OSHA Compliance Group, Inc.
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"An Industry Leader with a professional team, serving your OSHA and Safety Compliance needs since 1991."
Safety Manuals 100% Guaranteed

A complete OSHA compliant Injury and Illness Prevention Program that is guaranteed to pass all OSHA Inspections/Reviews. This is a customized safety manual that also includes a step by step Safety Training Program and Safety Forms.

"The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that approximately 3.3 million serious work-related injuries and about 4,300 fatalities occurred in 2009. The human cost of preventable workplace injuries and deaths is incalculable.

OSHA Compliance

However, according to the 2010 Liberty Mutual Workplace Safety Index, the direct cost of the most disabling workplace injuries and illnesses in 2008 amounted to $53.42 billion in U.S. workers compensation costs, more than one billion dollars per week. This money would be better spent on job creation and innovation. Injury and illness prevention programs are good for workers, good for business and good for America."

— Dr. David Michaels, Assistant Secretary of Labor

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We do all the work for you once you fill out our Safety Manual “Customization Form”. You will receive a printed copy that is a complete finished product including all the necessary forms.

Our Safety Manuals were developed and created by an experienced team of health professionals, industrial hygienist and attorneys to provide an affordable method of compliance with State and Federal OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health Administration) Standards and Regulations.

We can supply your business with a safety manual that is custom specific to your industry - and is in compliance with all applicable Federal and/or State OSHA requirements. Each safety manual is custom built, begining with the combination of all the various standards that are needed to meet the requirements of your Industry. Your company’s safety information is then integrated into the document, using approximatly 15 different variables to create your company's OSHA compliant safety manual. Each safety manual also includes a safety training program and 30 safety forms.


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Copyright OSHA Compliance Group, Inc. 1991-2022
OSHA Compliance Group, Inc.

OSHA Compliance Group, Inc. is an independent company, specializing in compliance with Third-Party Prequalification Providers such as ISNetworld®, PEC Premier®, AVETTA®, Complyworks®, Canqual®, Safety Council Solutions® and others

OSHA Compliance Group, Inc. is in no way endorsed, sponsored or approved by, or otherwise affiliated with, ISNetworld.
ISN®, ISNetworld®, RAVS™, MSQ™, are trademarks or registered trademarks of ISN Software Corporation®.

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